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Albuquerque - Hotel Profile

Casa de Estrellas Santa Fe

This hotel features concierge services and a fitness center.

300 East Marcy Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501
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Check In Time:3:00 pm
Check Out Time:1:00 pm
In Rooms:Air-Conditioned. Cable TV. CD Player. DVD Player. Coffee Maker. Kitchen. Microwave. Fireplace. Wi-Fi.
Services:Concierge. Valet/Laundry.
Special Amenities:Fitness Center. Parking Garage. Spa. Sauna.
Other Info:Interior Room Entrance. Non-Smoking Hotel. Self Parking.
Area Dining:Koi Sante Fe
O'Keeffe Cafe
Area Hotels:(Profiles of 6 additional hotel options in the area of the Casa de Estrellas Santa Fe)
Sunterra Villas de Santa Fe
Fort Marcy Hotel Suites
La Quinta Inn Santa Fe
Travelodge Sante Fe
Inn and Spa at Loretto
Territorial Inn
Credit Cards:

*Because rates may vary outside of the range, please confirm applicable rates online or via telephone.

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